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Webinar – 'Cyber Bullying' | 9th Aug'2020

Hope On Foundation organized a two Webinar on Cyber Bullying with Red Roses Public School - Saket and guest speakers are Mr. Rakshit Tandon & Ms. Charu Makkar

Webinar on Cyber Bullying was held on 9th August 2020 Initiated by "Hope On Foundation" and Organised by "Red Rose Public School, Saket". The program aimed at enhancing the level of awareness and install responsible behaviour amongst children on cyber safety. Cybersafety refers to the methods and measures used to prevent users from being victims of Cyber Bullying or Cyber Crimes.

The webinar strives to promote and ensure the best practices of cyber safety and sensitised a larger community through children and their parents, thus expanding its reach to larger masses in society.


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