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हमारा काम


अनौपचारिक शिक्षा

होप ऑन फाउंडेशन सामुदायिक बच्चों के साथ अनौपचारिक शिक्षा गतिविधि जारी रखे हुए है। COVID-19 भारत के सबसे कमजोर छात्रों के भविष्य को प्रभावित करता है, विशेष रूप से लड़कियों को बाल श्रम, बाल विवाह, आदि के जोखिम में डाल रहा है। HOF ने समुदाय में इस गतिविधि को बच्चों के बीच पढ़ाई में रुचि आकर्षित करने के लिए शुरू किया।  हम जानते हैं कि झुग्गी-झोपड़ी के अधिकांश बच्चे ऑनलाइन सीखने के लिए स्मार्टफोन का खर्च नहीं उठा सकते। HOF समुदायों में एक गैर-औपचारिक शिक्षा प्रणाली का अध्ययन कर रहा है। कक्षा के साथ, हम इन बच्चों को कुछ स्नैक्स परोसते हैं। हम हर हफ्ते 50+ बच्चों को लगातार कक्षाएं प्रदान कर रहे हैं और साथ ही प्रत्येक एनएफई कक्षा में बच्चों को एक छोटा सा भोजन भी उपलब्ध करा रहे हैं।

विभिन्न एमसीडी स्कूलों में नामांकन

लोरेम इप्सम डोलर सिट एमेट, कंसेक्ट्यूअर एडिपिसिंग एलीट, सेड डायम नॉनमी निभ यूइसमॉड टिनसीडंट यूटी लॉरीट डोलोरे मैग्ना एलिकम इरेट वॉलटपट। यूट विसी एनिम एड मिनिम वेनिअम, क्विस नोस्ट्रुड एक्सरसाइज उलमकॉर्पर सस्सिपिट लोबोर्ति ओरेम इप्सम डोलर सिट आमेट, कंसेक्ट्यूअर एडिपिसिंग एलीट, सेड डायम नॉनमी निभ यूइसमॉड टिनसीडंट यूट लॉरीट डोलोरे मैग्ना वॉलुट। यूट विसी एनिम एड मिनिम वेनिअम, क्विस नोस्ट्रुड एक्सरसाइज उलमकॉर्पर सस्सिपिट लोबोर्टिस एस

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1.2. Pre-Nursery Education

In India, data shows that inadequate food during childhood results in depleting reading, memorizing and calculative capability. Pregnant and lactating women require every day minimum 140g and 165g respectively. Healthy and hygienic food is an immunity booster for pregnant women, lactating mothers, and other children. Hope On Foundation is providing awareness about health & nutrition with IEC materials and distribution kits which contain nutritious food items and hygiene products for the beneficiaries.

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2. Working for Men & Women upliftment

Hope On Foundation actively working for the upliftment of men & women from the unprivileged community. We are working to make the families self- sustainable through livelihood opportunities so that they can take care of their members by all means.

2.1. Skill Livelihood Program

Our objective of the Skill Livelihood Program is to reduce poverty and inequality by generating employment among poor households into sustainable livelihoods and provide them economic stability.

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2.2. Menstrual Hygiene and Health

Hope On Foundation (HOF) takes the responsibility to change this backward mindset of the society as well as to break the myth of Menstruation by bridging the gap of knowledge through awareness.

We distribute Sanitary Pads, IEC Materials to all the beneficiaries.

2.3. Self Help Groups (SHG)

Hope On Foundation forming Self Help Groups (SHGs) in the communities: We believe that it makes the people hopeful and self-reliant. The program plays a crucial role in overcoming social evils like alcoholism, drug addiction, domestic violence, gambling, etc. in these communities.


We enable them to generate their income by providing different skill training then work, provide loans for startups and awareness to improve their standard of living and status in society.

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3. Colony Development

We do the Colony Development activities in the Camp/Colony by the residents of Camp/Colony itself.

We encourage them by educating them about the art of good and healthy living and motivate them to clean their own Camps/Colony, in return we reward them by distributing basic amenities.

We reward the dwellers with dry ration, seasonal clothes, carpets, mosquito nets, blankets, etc.

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4. Working for Destitute Elderly persons

Hope On Foundation working for the destitute elderly person who have been abandoned or isolated by their families, staying in the slum. We provide them Meals, Medical Facilities, arranging Shelters and enabling income from Government Schemes for their livelihood.

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5. Working for Minorities & Transgender

Hope On Foundation is working for marginalized community groups including Transgender. We are trying to empower the minority communities and develop an environment which strengthens these segments specially girl child and women. In a larger aspect we are working on providing them Health, Education, Legal Support and Livelihood.

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6. Pandemic Relief Aid

During this pandemic (from March’20 to date) Hope On Foundation is working relentlessly. We went to the unprivileged communities and societies to provide help and relief aid benefits directly through our various activities.

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6.1. Food Distribution

We have distributed food & dry ration to isolated/quarantine, elderly, physically disable, widows, daily wage labours and destitute in communities.

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6.2. Hygiene Kits Distribution

Hope On Foundation (HOF) takes the responsibility to change this backward mindset of the society as well as to break the myth of Menstruation by bridging the gap of knowledge through awareness.

We distribute Sanitary Pads, IEC Materials to all the beneficiaries.

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