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Celebrating 10 Years of Hope On Foundation: Gratitude and Milestones

Today, Hope On Foundation (HOF) celebrates 10 years of journey. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to our donors, partner NGOs, Board members of HopeonFoundation Hofngo, team members, and volunteers for their unwavering support.

Together, we strive to achieve our mission through our motto: "हर हाथ को काज, हर घर को अनाज || बच्चा-बच्ची को शिक्षा समान, स्त्री-पुरुष को मिले सम्मान || "आशाएँ खिले दिल की, उम्मीदें हँसे दिल की अब मुश्किल, नहीं कुछ भी, नहीं कुछ भी"


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