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IEC Materials

HOF Assets [Recovered]hh-01.png

IEC Materials

Information Education Communication

Our Information, Education & Communication (IEC) strategy aims to create awareness and disseminate information regarding the benefits available under various activities or programs of the Hope On Foundation (@hofngo) and to guide the individuals on how to access them.


The objective is also to encourage build-up of knowledge seeking behavior among the masses in keeping with the focus on promotive and preventive growth. The IEC strategy has catered to the different needs of the unprivileged masses staying in rural and urban areas of our country, through the various tools used for communication like infographics, posters, flyers, leaflets, brochures, social media posts, etc.

COVID - Poster, Flyers, Placard

COVID - Vaccine Drive - Roles for Mobilizers - Leaflet

COVID - Vaccine Drive - Roles for Volunteers - Leaflet

COVID IEC Materials
Menstrual Hygiene IEC
Skill Training IEC
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